Secrets of the Millionaire Mind – Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth – T Harv Eker’s
Market Meditations | April 8, 2021

Through our 4 years in the crypto space, we have come across many people. Some people are able to generate 6 or 7 figure wealth and others are forced out of the market, with nothing. What separates these two groups of people? How can we make sure we too are on the path to millionaire wealth? Here are some of our top observations, which are covered perfectly in T Harv Eker’s Secrets of the Millionaire Mind – Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth. It is important we take time to understand trading and investing education. After all, your income can grow only to the extent you do.
1️⃣Rich people believe “I create my life.” Poor people believe “life happens to me.”
If you want to create wealth, it is imperative that you believe that you are at the steering wheel of your life, especially your financial life. A simple belief can have profound impacts. For if you don’t believe this, then it follows that you must believe you have little or no control over your life, and therefore you have little or no control over your financial success.
Applied to trading and investing, it is oftentimes very telling how people respond to their failures. Will you take ownership of a trade or investment that resulted in a big loss? Or will you deflect to external factors. These tend to come in the form of blame, complaining or justification.
- Blaming the influencer who suggested the trade (when in reality, you have no business trading purely off of other people’s trading suggestions).
- Complaining. What you focus on expands. Complain and you focus on what is bad. Therefore you’ll get more of what’s bad. A simple challenge: don’t complain out loud for 7 days. This small exercise has transformative abilities.
- Justifying the loss as unimportant.
To blame external factors is to subject yourself to a path of no growth. To take ownership of the loss is to take the first step toward understanding what went wrong and not repeating that mistake in the future. Small mental shift, big financial consequences. Don’t play the role of the victim. Instead, take responsibility.
2️⃣Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value. Poor people think negatively about selling and promotion.
This isn’t something we’ve talked about before. Resenting promotion is one of the great obstacles to success. People who have issues with selling and promotion are usually not successful. Twitter and social media provide opportunities like never before to promote yourself. If you are not willing to promote yourself, your service and/or your product, someone else will promote theirs and bypass you. This is true for entrepreneurs and indeed people trying to climb the corporate ladder. Promotion is looked down upon by many people. Begin to use it to your advantage and see how you begin to bypass others.
Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, points out that every business, including writing books, depends on selling. He notes that he is recognised as a best-selling author, not a best-writing author. Note that all leaders also sell their ideas to people. It may be that you don’t believe in your value. In which case, you will need to recognise why and refine what you offer to society. Once you believe in your value, you will recognise it is not appropriate to hide it from people who need it.
3️⃣Rich people choose to get paid based on results. Poor people choose to get paid based on time.
Poor people prefer a steady monthly or hourly wage. This is because they are scared to test their true value in the marketplace. Note the security of a guaranteed monthly or hourly salary comes at a price and that price is their wealth. Trading your time for money sets a ceiling on income. And we never want a ceiling on our income.
Rich people have income streams such as business, commissions, stock options and profit sharing. Notice that these incomes don’t have ceilings. This builds on the earlier point, of believing in your value and ability to deliver. Poor people don’t which is why they need guarantees in the form of fixed monthly salaries. Try to get at least a part of your income to be dependent on one of the previously mentioned income streams of the rich. Moving to 100% performance based income in the coming years.
I’ll be expanding on this at the 2021 BlockDown Conference on April 15th in a ‘Building Wealth Through DeFi’ presentation. Tickets are free and available here. Would be great to have Market Meditators in the audience and even asking questions in the Q&A.