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Market Meditations | November 23, 2021

Delighted to say our Thursday newsletter will give the premium community a chance to share their crypto story! The best story will win a free Limited Edition Market Meditations Mug!

If you want to share how you made your crypto profits and would like your name featured on our newsletter, please fill in this survey by Wednesday 9pm GMT (You can also choose to remain anonymous by not entering your name) 👇

SURVEY: https://bit.ly/marketmeditationsstories

For example: I was able to turn $200 to $1k through a simple Dollar Cost Average Strategy. Each month, for 10 months, I dedicated $20 to Bitcoin and various other altcoins. To decide the altcoins, I kept an eye on fundamental updates. I believed the Metaverse would be very powerful and I built positions in SAND and MANA. I carefully selected take profit levels and stuck to them. For this, I recommend keeping a trading journal